Anaktuvuk Pass: Books

Results below are from the Library Catalog at University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

Title Author Published
Blood groups of the Anaktuvuk Eskimos, Alaska Laughlin, William S., -2001., Ph.D. 1990
Brooks Range passage Cooper, David J. 1982
Bryophyte taxa lists of the high Alaskan Arctic Rastorfer, James R. 1972
Cape Krusenstern and Onion portage Fair, "Susie" Susan White, 1948-2003., Ph.D. 1985
Carbonate facies and sequence stratigraphy of the carboniferous Lisburne group, Upper Nanushuk River Region, Central Brooks Range, Alaska White, Jesse Garnett. 2007
Carboniferous biostratigraphy, northeastern Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska Armstrong, Augustus K. 1975
Carboniferous Lisburne Group of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Brooks Range, northeastern Alaska : progress report summarizing initial results of 1988 research Watts, Keith F. 1990
Carboniferous microfacies, microfossils, and corals, Lisburne Group, Arctic Alaska Armstrong, Augustus K. 1977
Catalog of bryophytes and lichens of the central Brooks Range, Alaska : a literature review Murray, Barbara M. 1974
Central and western Brooks Range, Alaska, tectonic evolution : fission-track and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar thermochronometry Blythe, Ann Elizabeth. 1992
Central Brooks Range : a description Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. 1973
Changing paths : travels and meditations in Alaska's Arctic wilderness Sherwonit, Bill, 1950- 2009
Character and controls of fold-and-thrust deformation from pre-orogenic to foreland basin deposits : an example from the Gilead creek region of the Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska Speeter, Garrett G. 2010
Characteristics of surface and ground waters in selected villages of Alaska Arnow, G. M. 1960
Characterization and fluid flow properties of frozen rock systems of Umiat Oil Field, Alaska Godabrelidze, Vasil. 2010
Characterization of soils associated with black spruce (Picea mariana (P. Mill.) B.S.P.) in the boreal forest region of Alaska Zaman, Noreen. 2008
Chronologic variations along the contact between the Echooka Formation and the Lisburne Group in the northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska Robinson, Mark S. 1992
Circumpolar problems: habitat, economy, and social relations in the Arctic; a symposium for anthropological research in the North, September, 1969 Symposium on Circumpolar Problems, Luleå, Sweden and Tromsø, Norway, 1969. 1973
Climate, seasonal snow cover and permafrost temperatures in Alaska north of the Brooks Range Zhang, Tingjun. 1993
Columnar sections and lithostratigraphic correlation of the Permian Siksikpuk and Echooka formations, northcentral Brooks Range, northern Alaska Adams, Karen E. 1994
Columnar sections and lithostratigraphic relation of the Triassic-Jurassic Otuk formation, northcentral Brooks Range, northern Alaska Bodnar, Dirk Allen. 1995
Comparative study of the intellectual culture of the Nunamiut Eskimos at Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska Gubser, Nicholas J. 1961
Connections : local and global aspects of Arctic social systems, ICASS V : keynotes presented at the Fifth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (5th : 2004 : Fairbanks, Alaska) 2005
Conodont analyses from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska 1990-1993 Krumhardt, Andrea P. 1994
Conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies of the carboniferous Wahoo limestone, eastern Sadlerochit Mountains, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeast Brooks Range, Alaska Krumhardt, Andrea P. 1992


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