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Feona Sawden Sugt'stun Place Names Interview
Feona Sawden

Feona Sawden was interviewed on September 27, 1997 by Lydia Robart in Port Graham, Alaska. In this interview, Lydia and Feona look at a map marked with numbered places and Feona pronounces the accompanying Sugt'stun place names and discusses the English meaning of each of the place names. See the Nanwalek and Port Graham Area Place Names page for a listing of the places and their meaning.

See also:

Digital Asset Information

Archive #: Oral History 97-235-09

Project: Nanwalek and Port Graham
Date of Interview: Sep 27, 1997
Narrator(s): Feona Sawden
Interviewer(s): Lydia Robart
Location of Interview:
Funding Partners:
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Subsistence Division, Minerals Management Service
Alternate Transcripts
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B1: Qayarwiq

B14: Et'ungauq

B3: Cingyacungaq

B4: Kuikcak

B5: Tuq'aqgwim Cingia; Qikertaawaawam (JT)

B6: Tuq'aqgwik

B7: Saagtaaq

B8: Yaamaat

B9: Islands

B10: Qikertaawam Nuutqai

B11: Tar'iwik

B12: Nanwarnaq

B13: Atqernaq

B14: Et'ungauq

B15: Liivakaa, Liivakaam Qutii, Cingia

B15a: Waaskaam Qutii

B16: Waaskaam Nunii

B17: Ing'ircaaq

B18: Ing'ikcak or Ing'ircaaq

B19: Lugsurwik

B19a: Unknown location

B20: Mayurwik

B21: Mayurwim Ingria

B22: Initaallret

B22a: Nanwarnaq

B23: Antuun Kuiya

B23a: Alimalenguasaaq

B24: Nisllaaq

B25: Unknown location

B26: Kuikcak

B27: Nanwanguasaaq

B28: Glliiparuaq

B29: Aggtarnaaq

B30: Watmen Caumaqaq Quta

B31: Morfiim Ingria

B33: Et'unguaq

B34: Iwanum Qutii

B35: Amikum Yaami

B36: Ucinguluguam Qutii

B36a: Ucingum Qutii

B37: Kangiyanguam Cingia

B38: Teklegem Namwarnaa

B39: Kangiyanguaq

B40: Tunkuin Kangiqulua

B41: Qungut

B42: Paluwik

B43: Paluwiim Ingria

B44: Ilutuqkcin Ingria

B45: Miitriim Cingia

B46: Taalangaayiim Qutii

B47: Sali'ilek

B48: Laugkaallrem Kuiya

B49: Laugkaallrem Qikertaawai

B50: Laugkaalleg

B51: Cuquus Cingia

B52: Cuquus Cingia

B53: Cuquus Nagaayui

B54: Agwiillquq

B55: Qurllaggwik or Qurllurneg

B56: Quikcak

B57: Culurlleg or Mayuruutak

B58: Caqallaqaarsurwik

B59: Qutnguasaaq

B60: Allulek

B61: Aneryaaqunguaq

B62: Agayuim Cingia

B63: Atanenguaq or Nuutqat

B64: Nanwalek or Nuna

B65: Nanwaq

B66: Tangirnaq

B67: Kui'naq

B68: Nanwalem Mer'a

B69: Nanwalem Ingria

B70: Ququulqiig

B71: Kuik

B72: Qanglluq

B73: Qurllurta

B74: Nanwanguasaaq

B75: Nanwakcak

B76: Nanwakciim Keluqllia

B77: Qultuucaaq

B78: Qultuucaam Keluqllia

B79: Perngaqaq Nanwaq

B80: Megnii'inguaq

B81: Cayiill

B82: Agayuut Misngawiat (SM) or Agayuut Sakairturwiat Nanwalem Cingia

B83: Nanwalem Cingia

B84: Quglerquik

B85: Luulenguasaaq (JT) Luulek (JT)

B86: Nalltuliq

B87: Nanwalenguasaaq

B88: Nanwalenuasagaam Pehngua

B89: Satuut or Satullret

B90: Enem Cingia

B91: Qurllurta

B92: Tuuyarriik

B93: Carwatuqaq

B94: Carwatuqam Yaamaa

B95: Carwatuqam Ingria

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After clicking play, click a section of the transcript to navigate the audio or video clip.


There is no transcription of the audio.