Ambler: Books

Results below are from the Library Catalog at University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

Title Author Publishedsort ascending
Chemistry and analysis of the permitted coal-tar food dyes Ambler, Joseph Alfred, 1889-1948. 1926
Alaska, the American northland Gilman, Isabel Ambler. 1924
Alaska, the American northland Gilman, Isabel Ambler. 1923
Alaskaland, a curious contradiction Gilman, Isabel Ambler. 1914
Notes on the western Eskimo Gordon, George Byron, 1870-1927. 1906
Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1885 United States. Revenue-Cutter Service. 1887
[Telephone directory for] Northwest Central Alaska /Aleutians Interior Telephone Company. 198
Northwest Arctic Borough : wise development for a secure tomorrow Northwest Arctic Borough (Alaska). Economic Development Commission.
Kiñuniġmi Pulu, Tupou L.
Aglaich Savaaksrat
Anayuqaa·giich savagaqtut inimi
Ambler School news Ambler School.


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