Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Timeline of Fairbanks Native Association History


Timeline of Fairbanks Native Association (FNA) History and Key Events in the 1960's and 1970's

1963 - FNA founded in Fairbanks

1964 - FNA works together with Cook Inlet Native Association to improve education for Native children

1965 - First FNA Potlatch held in the Eagles Hall, Fairbanks

1967 - FNA incoporates as a non-profit organization

1967 - FNA takes over operation of the Native Welcome Center in Fairbanks

1969 - FNA holds a special meeting to discuss Native land claims in Alaska

1970 - FNA forms a land claims committee

1971 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) passed; signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 18, 1971

1971 - FNA obtains a Model Urban Indian Center grant to support the Fairbanks Native Community Center

1973 - FNA obtains a grant from the Alaska Department of Education to offer an Adult Basic Education Program

1975 - FNA obtains a contract to assume direct administration of Bureau of Indian Affairs' social services programs