Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

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Mary Larson

Worked in the Oral History office in the early 1990's. She is the Doris Neustadt Professor of Library Service and Head of the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program, and she came to OSU after working in oral history at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the University of Nevada. She has served as a member of Council for the Oral History Association (2003-2006), filled two three-year terms on the board of the Southwest Oral History Association, and has chaired numerous committees for both organizations. Most recently, she served on the Oral History Association (OHA) task force which rewrote the professional standards and guidelines for the methodology, and in October 2011 she became President of OHA (2011-2013). She was the media review editor for The Oral History Review for five years, and she has been an editor for the H-Oralhist listserv since 2000. Her areas of interest include the intersections of anthropology and history, issues of shared authority, ethics and technology, and rural women's history. Among her oral history publications are a methodological chapter in the Handbook of Oral History and two books, Famiglia e Cucina: Stories and Recipes from Northwestern Nevada's Italian-American Community (2007) and We Were All Athletes: Women's Athletics at the University of Nevada (2011).

Mary Larson appears in the following new Jukebox projects: