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Frank Entsminger
Frank Entsminger was born and raised in Great Falls, Montana, where he developed a strong interest in the outdoors and wildlife. In the spring of 1962, after graduating from high school, Frank drove to Alaska with a group of friends. He came to Fairbanks, Alaska and around 1965 started a taxidermy business with his friend, Marty Rinio. In 1977, Frank and his wife, Sue, bought property along the Tok Cutoff near Tok, Alaska and continue to live there. Frank and Sue have lived a subsistence-based lifestyle of hunting, fishing and trapping, and Frank also has operated a taxidermy business, been a hunting guide, and is an artist who makes bronze sculptures. Frank also has been involved with local and regional hunting management by being active on the Upper Tanana/Fortymile Fish and Game Advisory Committee and the Wrangell-St. Elias Subsistence Resource Commission.