The original Nanwalek and Port Graham Project Jukebox was funded by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game with support from the Minerals Management Service, and was completed in 1997. Ron Stanek with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence coordinated the original project and Bill Burke with the UAF Oral History Program constructed the Jukebox.
Local participants in Nanwalek included: Nick Tanape, Sr. who conducted interviews, transcribed, and translated recordings; Leo Ash who conducted interviews with the English Bay Band; Kilann Moonin Tanape who conducted interviews with Elders as part of a senior year class project; Merlin Anahonak who translated and keyworded recordings; and Rhonda Moonin who helped as a translator.
Residents of Port Graham conducted interviews, provided photographs, and compiled materials, including: Lydia Robart, Herman Moonin, Jr., Tom and Feona Sawden, Luba Meganack and Jim and Susan Labelle who generously loaned copies from their personal photograph collections, and Nancy Yaw Davis who loaned copies of photos she acquired from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
In 2023-2024, the Nanwalek and Port Graham Project Jukebox was upgraded from its original HTML format to Drupal. The information in this project reflects the context of the original creation date. Some information may now be out of date.
Copyright Information: The material in this Jukebox is protected by copyright. Any republication or reuse for commercial purposes is prohibited without written consent from the copyright holders. The copyright to all photographs and interviews (both audio form and in written transcription) is jointly held by the State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence and the Nanwalek Village IRA Council and Port Graham Traditional Council.