Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Historical Cold War Films

The four films below are courtesy of the Alaska Film Archives, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Click on a thumbnail or title to view the movie.
A list of additional historical films about the Cold War in Alaska available at the Alaska Film Archives can be found here.







Aleutian Skywatch (AAF-2518; 26:29 min.)






Alaska Review 49: Alaskans and the Bomb: Choices for Our Future (1982) (AAF-4994; 27:18 min.)

AAF-9421 Project Ice Skate.JPG






Project Ice Skate (AAF-9421; 18:03 min.)

Snow Train.JPG






Alaska History Nuggets: LeTourneau Snowtrain (AAF-661; 1:19 min.)