Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program

Hickel Highway and Dalton Highway Historic Films

The video segments included in this website are historic film footage of the construction of the Hickel Highway and the Haul Road. The segments are from longer films archived at the Alaska Film Archives, Alaska and Polar Regions Collections, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The name, description, and the call number of the full video are included for reference. For more information, visit the Alaska Film Archives website or contact them at (907) 474-5357.

Click on a title below to view a video segment. Please be patient while a segment downloads. The time will vary depending upon your connection speed.

First Overland Trip
First Overland Trip.
First trip by truck and Cat train over the newly completed Hickel Highway to deliver supplies for oil development to Prudhoe Bay, Winter 1968-1969.
(1:49, 2.8MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Plowing the Route.
Bud Anderson driving the D-8 Cat during Hickel Highway construction above Anaktuvuk Pass.
(0:26, 1.3MB)
From "Footage of the Winter Haul Road - Hickel Highway Construction"
Harold Tilleson Video Collection, 1969.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Putting up Sign
Putting Up the First Road Sign.
Jerry Luebke (wool cap) and Harry Loev (baseball cap) constructing the first road sign along the winter ice road.
(0:26, 1.4MB)
From "Footage of the Winter Haul Road - Hickel Highway Construction"
Harold Tilleson Video Collection, 1969.
Color. Silent Film Footage
People at Camp
Road Crew Workers, Supervisors and Inspectors at Sagwon Camp.
(Bud Anderson coming out of the building at the beginning. "Mike" Dalton in the beige parka with fur ruff - she was up to inspect the road's progress. The group of people standing in a circle talking are: Jim Miller from Paxton in red cap; John Savela, equipment supervisor, with glasses and in beige coat; man in gray jacket might be Paul Wagner?; Walter Kopp, mechanic, with red hood and back to camera. Man with glasses walking into the building is Roy "Moe" McCrary.)
(0:13, 0.6MB)
From "Footage of the Winter Haul Road - Hickel Highway Construction"
Harold Tilleson Video Collection, 1969.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Unloading a C-130 Hercules
Loading Bay of a C-130 Hercules Cargo Aircraft.
(0:28, 0.8MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
C-130 Hercules Airplane Taking Off
C-130 Hercules Cargo Aircraft Take Off Sequence.
(0:57, 1.3MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
View of the Haul Road
View of the Initial Condition of the Hickel Highway Route.
(0:17, 0.4MB)
From "Footage of the Winter Haul Road - Hickel Highway Construction"
Harold Tilleson Video Collection, 1969.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Working on the Road
Cat Tractors Working on the Road.
Creating a berm to keep blowing snow from drifting on the roadway north of Anaktuvuk Pass.
(0:19, 0.7MB)
From "Footage of the Winter Haul Road - Hickel Highway Construction"
Harold Tilleson Video Collection, 1969.
Color. Silent Film Footage
C-130 Hercules Airplane Taking Off
Sealift Barge Activities Nearing Prudhoe Bay.
(0:44, 1.0MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Working on Barges
Working on the Barges Bringing Supplies to Prudhoe Bay.
(0:32, 0.9MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Barges Preparing to Dock
Barges Preparing to Dock.
(0:22, 0.5MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Unloading Barges
Unloading Supply Barges at Prudhoe Bay.
(1:13, 1.4MB)
From "Long Haul North"
KOMO Television Program (Seattle), 1970.
Color. Silent Film Footage
Bears Along the Future Haul Road Corridor.
(0:17, 0.8MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage
Wiseman Resident, Florence Jonas, Eskimo Dancing.
(0:22, 0.6MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage
Wiseman Resident, Ross Brockman, Talking About Sheep.
(0:58, 1.9MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage
Click here to view Brockman's interview in the Gates of the Arctic Project Jukebox.
Wiseman Resident, Harry Leonard, Talking About Caribou.
(0:19, 0.6MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage
Bird in Flight
Bird Flight Along the Future Haul Road Corridor.
(0:21, 0.9MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage
Fording a River
Filmmaker, Jay Coggeshall, Fording a River While Backpacking.
(0:25, 1.2MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage
Haul Road Construction
Commentary on the Haul Road and Trans-Alaska Pipeline Construction Camps.
(0:55, 1.5MB)
From "A Sense of Privilege" Documentary by Jay Coggeshall, 1975.
Color; Sound Film Footage