Anaktuvuk Pass: Journals

Results below are from the Library Catalog at University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

Title Author Publishedsort ascending
Long-term responses to factorial, NPK fertilizer treatment by Alaskan wet and moist tundra sedge species Shaver, Gaius R. 1995
See you in paradise Dietrich, Bill. 1995
Alaska wetlands coalition congressional staff tour of Alaska 1995
Beyond the killing tree: a journey of self-discovery Reynolds, Stephen. 1995
September employee of the month 1995
Employees of the month, Cathy Wagner and Cindy Morry, December 95 1995
Minerals 1995
Points of entry Powell, Todd. 1995
Romance of the bush meets reality Kaye, Roger, 1950 Dec. 31- 1995
The Dei'haii Gwich'in: mystery people of northern Alaska Burch, "Tiger" Ernest S., Jr., Ph.D. 1995
Anaktuvuk Pass celebrates opening of new museum exhibit 1995
State holds promise of large reserves for union texas Nelson, Kristen. 1995
Developable mineral reserves could surround Brooks Range Bradner, Tim. 1995
Bill Schneider, conservator of Alaska's stories Kaye, Roger, 1950 Dec. 31- 1995
Year in review: job growth accelerates in 1994 Boucher, Joe. 1995
Patience, persistence push senior to succeed Sexton, Lena Anken, 1919- . 1995
The Post-paleoarctic interval in the central brooks range Schoenberg, Kenneth M. 1995
Chukchi hot spots, paleo-polynyas, and caribou crashes: climatic and ecological dimensions of north Alaska prehistory Mason, Owen K., Ph.D. 1995
Wild science Jones, Patricia. 1995
Otis Ahkivgak remembers Kivgiq... an excerpt from a 1980 interview 1994
Writer in residence Greenbank, Fern. 1994
North Sloper crude price falls to seven-year low 1994
Petroleum, fisheries, minerals 1994
Last North Slope sealift arrives at Prudhoe Bay 1994
North Slope exploration down from year-ago levels 1994


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