Anaktuvuk Pass: Journals

Results below are from the Library Catalog at University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

Title Author Publishedsort descending
Far north niche Braund, Susan. 2003
Little logging Gaedeke, John. 2003
Geological 'show and tell' in Umiat Bailey, Alan. 2003
Community restores historic kayak 2003
Alaska's largest industrial suppliers 2003
BP sells exploration acreage in NPR-A, Brooks Range foothills 2003
Farewell to Igikpak Jans, Nick, 1955- 2003
Re-covering it: The Anaktuvuk Pass kayak project Linn, Angela. 2004
First, the caribou Blackman, Margaret B. 2004
Glacier photos worth thousand words Rozell, Ned, 1963- 2004
Personal look at Anaktuvuk Pass Loshbaugh, Shana, 2004
Bookshelf 2004
Caribou highway: Intersection of modern technology and an ancient migration makes for great hunting Robb, Bob. 2004
Alaska's largest air charter companies 2004
Exhibit shows off student's work from Brooks Range and Valdez summer trips Nakoneczny, Akanit. 2004
Independent AVCG forms North Slope operating company Liles, Patricia. 2004
Early tree-line experiment by a wilderness advocate: Bob Marshall's legacy in the Brooks Range, Alaska Wilmking, Martin. 2004
Late pleistocene glacial geology of the Okpilak-Kongakut rivers region, Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska Balascio, Nicholas L. 2005
Billions in leftovers north of Brooks Range Bailey, Alan. 2005
Mask making reflects history of Anaktuvuk Pass Barker, James H., 2005
Reviews Barr, William, 1940-, 2005
Brooks Range prepares to drill North Slope well Cashman, Kay. 2005
Gates of the Arctic 2005
Reviews Haigh, Jane G., 2005
Denbigh Flint complex at Punyik Point, Etivlik Lake, Alaska Kunz, Michael L. 2005


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