Anaktuvuk Pass: Journals

Results below are from the Library Catalog at University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

Title Author Publishedsort descending
Rehabilitation of North Slope exploratory site planned for this winter 2001
October production down from September 2001
Colville chronicle van den Berg, Jennifer. 2001
Canning -- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Hansen, Don. 2001
'Great one' Ferguson, Judy. 2001
Resource advisory council tours Colville River McPherson, Teresa. 2001
Alaska's largest oilfield service companies 2001
Climate change and people of the mesa Rozell, Ned, 1963- . 2001
Phillips stakes North Slope wildcat west of Fiord field 2001
North Slope production holds its own -- Cook Inlet slips Ragsdale, Rose, 1950- . 2002
Alaska's oil patch is blessed with high-quality producing resevoirs, sophisticated technology Bradner, Tim. 2002
Alaska uses downhole seismic to zero in on viscous oil pockets Baker, Frank E. 2002
Breakup in the Brooks Range Gaedeke, John, 2002
Statistical snapshot of the northslope 2002
Scientific journey across the Brooks Rozell, Ned, 1963- . 2002
Wildcatter warns oil tax increase will retard future investment Sutherlin, Steve. 2002
Geologists find evidence of oil in gas-prone brooks range foothills Cashman, Kay. 2002
Unburied treasure: more dinosaur discoveries on the Colville Senkowsky, Sonya. 2002
Social dimensions of geographic disorientation in Arctic Alaska Sonnenfeld, Joseph. 2002
Song of the Arctic -- traveling alone helps a hiker see beauty in the Brooks Range Sherwonit, Bill, 1950- 2002
Nunamiut name mountain to honor Norwegian explorer 2002
Alaska's North Slope village corporations Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood. 2002
Oil & gas -- a look into 2002 Jones, Patricia. 2002
Hard walk into winter Son, Megan. 2003
Kayak homecoming Mayer, Amy. 2003


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