Allakaket & Alatna: Images

Results below are from the Alaska Digital Archives which includes material from institutions all over the state. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

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image thumbnail Detroit Arctic Expedition dog team, leaving Allakaket. Title from verso <br> Full verso reads, "One of Capt. Wilkins teams, Detroit Arctic Expedition, leaving Allakaket going north" <br> Thirteen dogs, two sleds, and two men on skis Alexander Malcolm Smith Photograph Collection, ca. 1920s. ASL-PCA-136;
image thumbnail Athabascan women in Allakaket. Left to right: Sarah Simon, Bessie Koyukuk's oldest daughter, and Bessie Koyukuk; large canvas tent in background Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Sophie and Joe Williams, Allakaket. Young couple in what is possibly a wedding photograph; log building in background is home of Sophie's mother Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Ellen, Clara, and Chief Moses in Allakaket. Woman, child, and man in parkas and mukluks; Chief Moses wears a traveling parka Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Three women on river bank at Allakaket. Bessie Henry; Bessie Edwards; and Mary Samlls' [Smalls' ?] mom, Omak; Omak is wearing a caribou parka. Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Maria and Joseph Dummy in front of the old mission at Allakaket, ca. 1930s. Portrait of a couple; [Joseph was a deaf person] Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Young child in fur parka and mukluks at Allakaket. Small child on a path through snow Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Two children near mission at Allakaket, Alaska. Girls in outdoor clothing; one wearing a kuspuk with fur hood; snow in background Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Parishioners outside church in Allakaket. Individuals who have been identified, front row, left to right: unidentified., Sarah Simon with loaded sled , Helen Bifelt (slightly behind), Sarah Simon with loaded sled ., Olivia Ned, Sarah Simon with loaded sled . girl (slightly behind), Sarah Simon with loaded sled . boy, old Thomas' daughter Bessie (slightly behind), old Thomas' son Mark, old Thomas' son Luke, Sarah Simon with loaded sled . toddler bending over, Susie Williams (behind toddler wearing scarf). Second row: Sarah Simon with loaded sled . boy, Stephen Bergman, Edward Bergman, Sarah Simon with loaded sled . girl, Sarah Simon with loaded sled . boy, Sarah Simon with loaded sled . girl, Bessie Koyukuk, Sarah Simon, Cora Nictune, Bessie Edward. Back row: Edwin Simon, Frank Tobuk Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Little Mary and her children, Allakaket. Athabaskan woman with her three children: a girl, a boy, and a baby Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Tiluqtuq and her son, Allakaket. Woman and a man, Akinaluq[k?], outside; snow in background Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Akpik and Napoleon and their children, Allakaket. Children, left to right: Janet (on Akpik's back), Clara, and Rosie Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Miss Thompson and Miss Hill in Sunday dresses. Two women in front of white canvas wall tent near the Allakaket mission Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Church mission, St. John’s in the Wilderness, Allakaket. Log church with bell tower, fenced garden, and other buildings in background Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Tishu Ulen, Allakaket. Smiling young woman wearing fur coat, scarf, and lace-up boots Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Athabaskan parents and child in rowboat on Koyukuk River. Kitty and Johnny Oldman and a small girl, probably a daughter, in a boat at Allakaket Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Alatna Hills, near Allakaket. View looking toward the hills from the St. John's in the Wilderness mission; canoe in foreground on river Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Three men in canoes on Koyukuk River. Left to right: Frank Simon, Edward Bergman, and Lee Simon in birch bark canoes. Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Miss Hill and Miss Kay in the mission boat. Profile view of two women, from Allakaket mission, motoring on the Koyukuk in a long, narrow skiff Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Church mission, St. John’s in the Wilderness, Allakaket. Dog in front of old mission house <br> "The porch on the back of the mission house was a sleeping porch for men who worked at the mission" Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Church mission, St. John’s in the Wilderness, Allakaket. Old mission house, replaced by two-story mission house in the 1920s Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Henry and Lucy Moses, Allakaket. Lucy is wearing a caribou skin parka bought from Eskimo people; white sheep skin is sewn into a contrasting pattern with the dark summer leggings of caribou to make the trim Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Kids in front of mission garden, Allakaket. Left to right: Bessie William; Sarah Simon; Walter Koyukuk, Grafton Koyukuk; one of Putu Hope's daughters; and an unidentified boy Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Sophie Isaac, Jennie Williams, and Grandma Tilly Isaac, Allakaket. Woman, young girl, and child in decorated fur parkas and mukluks Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;
image thumbnail Laura Oldman in front of mission garden, Allakaket. Small child in front of fenced garden; building in background Amelia Hill Photograph Collection, ca. 1920-1950. ASL-PCA-247;


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