Project Jukebox

Digital Branch of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program



The Project Jukebox staff would like to thank the many people who shared their time and information to make this multi-media history website on the Dalton Highway possible.

Project Concept
Don Pendergrast, National Park Service
William Schneider, Curator of Oral History, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)

Archival Resources
Dirk Tordoff, Alaska Film Archives, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
Robyn Russell, Oral History Program, Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)

Project Design and Development
Marie Mitchell, Project Jukebox UAF
Karen Brewster, Research Associate, Project Jukebox, UAF
Naomi Huesmann, Student Employee, Project Jukebox, UAF
William Schneider, Curator of Oral History/Project Jukebox, UAF

Project Support
James Huesmann, Dean of Libraries, Rasmuson Library, UAF
National Park Service (NPS)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Fairbanks District Office

Content and Photos
Lisa Jodwalis, Lenore Heppler, Mike Kunz, Robin Mills, Susan Will (all of BLM)
Mike Abels
Bruce Campbell
Mike Kunz
Robin Mills
Dennis Nottingham
James Rooney
Heidi Schoppenhorst
Hesden Scougal
Harold Tilleson