Simeon Kvasnikoff H97-235-07 |
Simeon Kvasnikoff interviewed by Ron Stanek on July 20, 1997 at Port Graham.
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1) shelter cabins -- built between communities/ trails/ Windy Bay/ Port Graham/ ways of staying warm/ supplies -- food/ weapons -- knives and guns|
2) traveling -- long distance/ limbs and moss to build a shelter/ position of shelter/ deliver messages|
3) trails/ skiff/ shelter along shoreline|
4) different words/ Anderson Beach/ Chugach/ Windy Bay -- bigger shelter/ location -- good for food/ sign for muskok|
5) location of muskok/ door/ fire/ convenient/ anafrax -- trap for animal| (Click here for photo)
6) traps/ rabbits/ coyotes/ bears/ spring trap/ deadfall trap/ last long time/ upkeep/ hunting/ stories|
7) storytelling/ kayaks/ Aleuts -- killing of/ grandfather left Cordova/ Aialik Bay|
8) "dug-in"/ driftwood/ fire place/ oil lamp/ seal oil/ floors -- fur lined|
9) waterproofing/ clay -- use of/ moss -- use of/ housing/ clothing -- fur/ weapons -- harpoons/ weapons -- spears/ hunting/ Eskimos/ Aleuts/ weapons -- Aleuts teaching Eskimos|
10) travel/ clams/ hotel/ cabin/ Martha Ann/ life before kids|
11) new home -- HUD house/ village council -- thirteen years/ teacher -- bilingual/ politics|
12) village involvement/ family -- importance of/ children -- time with|
13) hunting/ fresh food/ bear/ porcupine/ seal/ sea lion/ clams/ grouse/ rabbits| (Click here for photo.)
14) hunting -- men/ Tutka Bay/ seals/ picked what you wanted from seals on beach/ food -- sharing of/ chopping wood| (Click here for photo)
15) fish -- spear making/ fish spear -- use of/ hooks| (Click here for photo)
16) fishing/ current/ hook/ river -- flooding/ spear -- shallow water/ metal| (Click here for photo.)
17) kayaks/ cedar arrows/ seal fur/ banya (bath or sweat?)|
18) wash back -- elders/ hot rock -- heated in barabra/ seal and bidarkies -- cooking of|
19) moss -- use of/ hay -- use of/ gravel -- use of/ trees -- hanging seal meat from/ fish -- drying/ banya -- men and women|
20) barabra/ Moonin, Dimitri/ fish -- cleaning\ fish -- drying|
22) banya -- visiting/ storytelling/ table/ visitors/ tea drinking -- during banya|
23) visiting/ Mom's table|
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