Anaktuvuk Pass: Journals

Results below are from the Library Catalog at University of Alaska Fairbanks. You can sort by clicking on the column header.

Title Author Publishedsort descending
North Slope crude price drops to $19.57/bbl 1996
North Slope crude oil prices jump to $20/bbl level 1996
ARCO Alaska informs regulators of Colville River delta development plans 1996
Learning at home 1996
Those other rivers: time, money -- mostly time Heiner, Dan. 1996
Family feud Tyson, Ray. 1996
Destination Alaska Brown, Tricia. 1996
Unbuilt memorial has its own gem of legend Osborne, Alice, 1917- . 1996
Mineral investigations in the Colville mining district and southern National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska Kurtak, Joseph M. 1996
Heavy metal, organochlorine pesticide and polychorinated biphenyl contamination in Arctic ground squirrels (spermophilus parryi) in northern Alaska Allen-Gil, S. M. 1997
Estimating seasonal values of thermal diffusivity in thawed and frozen soils using temperature time series Hinkel, Kenneth M. 1997
Native contributions to Arctic science at Barrow, Alaska Brewster, Karen. 1997
Alaska in books Hunt, "Bill" William R., Ph.D., 1997
Missing the caribou: surprises and disappointments along the Kongakut River Beaver, Marie. 1997
Grant Spearman -- selected as August '97 employee of the month 1997
Trees living at the limits of survival Rozell, Ned, 1963- . 1997
Solo hike: panic and solitude in the Brooks Range Beaver, Marie. 1997
Alaska's largest oil field suppliers Lombard, Yvonne, Compiler. 1997
So many mountains, so little time Rozell, Ned, 1963- . 1997
New digital library features a lifetime of Colville data Walker, Jesse H. 1997
North Slope crude oil drops below $19/bbl 1997
BP and Chevron confirm sourdough oil 1997
North Slope producers aim to reverse decline: end of decline, new growth seen 1997
Project Jukebox Brewster, Karen. 1997
North Slope crude price drops by $2.56/bbl 1997


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